Outbound Mobility

Outbound Mobility

UCP encourages students and faculty to join reputable International Universities for a semester or two which may help in student’s international exposure and hence learning. For this purpose, UCP has partnered with a number of international universities which time to time offer exchange opportunities to students and International Office is constantly adding new partnerships to the growing list.

To streamline student and faculty exchanges, selected faculty members have been designated as “Country Ambassadors” and “Programme Ambassadors” for internationalization and as point of contact for interested students and faculty. The list of “Country Ambassadors” and “Programme Ambassadors” is given here.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad will allow you to experience different cultures and perspectives, including new traditions and customs and meeting new people. You will get the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation.

Studying abroad will allow you to experience different cultures and perspectives, including new traditions and customs and meeting new people. You will get the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation.

Studying at another university can be different to the style of teaching you’re used to and it will inculcate awareness and adoption of alternative, multi-faceted approaches to learning. International learning and knowledge propel students towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives. Moreover, you will develop enhanced interest in global issues as well as a broader general knowledge.

A new country gives you a chance to hone your language skills and immerse yourself in a new culture. This includes learning some of their key phrases, trying out their national dishes, experimenting with clothing styles that in turn will help you have a better understanding and appreciation of that host country’s people and culture.

You get the opportunity to have the credits transferred to your degree (subject to approval from your department, faculty dean and academic committee) all while getting to study abroad at a world class university while polishing your skills.

While studying abroad you will undergo self-development and awareness leading to enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem. You will develop maturity and social poise, fueled by the necessity to confront challenges outside a familiar support network and comfort zone. By integration into another family as well as the development of life-long friendships, you will be fostering an appreciation of home and family. Successful completion of exchange programmes encourages students to develop independent opinions, make informed decisions and strive to attain fresh goals.

When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. All these qualities will make you stand out from the crowd as in an increasingly globalized world, more and more employers are looking for students with international experience.

Current opportunities in Outbound Exchange Programmes

Summer School 2023 at Birmingham City University – UK
Nominations Open

Sister2Sister Exchange Programme 2023 – USA
Nominations closed

UGrad Programme 2024, USEFP – USA
Nominations Open
Last date to apply Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

Open international study opportunities / scholarships News Feed

Country Ambassadors

To streamline student and faculty exchanges, selected faculty members are designated as “Country Ambassadors” for internationalization at University of Central Punjab. These country ambassadors are designated to help students with international opportunities in their respective country and act as a point of contact with UCP International Office.

Their contact information is given below.


Sr. No.Name Department Designation Qualification Institute Name Country 
1Fagiha Mazhar FOMS Senior LecturerMS/MphilCentral Queenland University Australia 
2Dr. Muhammad Sarwar EhsanFOITAssoc. Dean/Assoc. Prof.PhDGraz University of Technology, GrazAustria
3Dr. Muhammad ZubairFOITAssistant ProfessorPhDKatholieke Univ, LeuvenBelgium
4Dr. Muhammad Akhyar FarrukhFOSTProfessor of ChemistryPost docFederal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)Brazil 
5Dr. Qais AslamFOMSProfessorPhDUniversity of National and World EconomyBulgaria
6Malik Junaid AzizFOESenior LecturerMS/MphilMcMaster UniversityCanada 
7Dr. Snober JavaidFOMSAssistant ProfessorPhDDongbei University of Finance & Economics, DalianChina 
8M.Mustafa HassanFOITAssistant ProfessorMS/MphilAbo Akademi UniversityFinland 
9Dr. Rizwan ShadFOEDeanPhDInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées de ToulouseFrance 
10Dr. Fawad BaigFMMCAssociate ProfessorPhDTechnische Universitat DresdenGermany 
11Dr. Muhammad Awais ShafiqueFOEAssistant ProfessorPhDUniversity of TokyoJapan 
12Dr. Sundus MustaqeemFMMCAssistant ProfessorPhDUniversity of UtaraMalaysia 
13Dr. Abdul WaheedFOMSAssistant ProfessorPhDMaastricht UniversityNetherlands
14Dr. Salman IqbalFOMSAssistant ProfessorPhDMassey University New Zealand
15Dr. Muhammad Kamran SaleemFOEAssociate ProfessorPhDKing Soud UniversitySaudi Arabia 
16Sarosh LatifFOLLLecturerMS/MphilUniversity of StrathclydeScotland
17Dr. Farhat AbdullahFOLLLecturerPhDNanyang Technological University (NTU)Singapore
18Mr. Muhammad Farhan AroojFOEPrincipal LecturerMS/MphilKorea Advaced Institute of Science & TechnologySouth Korea
19Sajid HussainFOITAssistant ProfessorMS/MphilLinkoping University, LinkopingSweden
20Dr. Muhammad SaadiFOEAssociate ProfessorPhDChulalongkorn UniversityThailand 
21Muhammad Khurram Zahur BajwaFOITLecturerMS/MphilEastern Mediterranean University, TRNCTurkey, Northern Cyprus
22Dr. Adnan N. Qureshi FOITAssociate ProfessorPhDUniversity of BradfordshireUnited Kingdom 
23Kashif ButtFOMSAssistant ProfessorMS/MphilUniversity of ConnecticutU.S.A

Program Ambassadors

To establish strong linkages with Scholarship offering agencies like DAAD, CSC, ACU, British Council, Australian/New Zealand scholarship, Erasmus and USEFP etc. and to offer broad spectrum of fully funded scholarship opportunities to our students and faculty, a experienced Focal Person has been designated as “Program Ambassador” for each of these funding agencies. The role of these “Program Ambassadors” is to keep close liaison with these organizations, disseminate international scholarship opportunities, counsel students on available scholarships and assist them in scholarship application process.

Their contact information is given below.


Sr. No.NameDesignationFacultyScholarship NameDegreeDegree Completion YearUniversityCountry
1Hafiza Rizwana KausarProfessor/ DeanFOSTSwiss Government Excellence ScholarshipsPost Doc2015University of ZurichSwitzerland
2Dr. Madiha KhanAssistant ProfessorFOSTIRSIPPhD2019Australian National University (ANU), CanberraAustralia
3Dr. Muhammad ZubairAssistant ProfessorFOIT&CSResearch Foundation – Flanders (FWO)PhD2021KU LeuvenBelgium
4Sanwal Hussain KharlAssociate LecturerFHSSChinese Government Scholarship MS2019China University of Geosciences WuhanChina
5Dr. Muhammad Kamran SaleemAssociate ProfessorFOE-EEDKing Saud University ScholarshipPhD2016King Saud UniversitySaudi Arabia
ZARM, Scholarship for Master’s ThesisMSc2007Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.Sweden,
ZARM, Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity, Germany.Germany
6Dr. Muhammad Irfan AzharAssistant ProfessorFOMSKoç university Tution fee waiver and side benefitsPhD2023Koç universityTurkey
7Dr. Muzammil HussainAssociate ProfessorFOITBright Sparks Program ScholarshipPhD (Computer Science)2017University of MalayaKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
8Dr. Hafiz Rizwan SharifAssociate ProfessorFOSTChinese Scholarship Council (CSC)PhD2017Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China.China
9Dr. AminUllahAssistant ProfessorFOITIRSIP HEC PhD2020University of Central Florida OrlandoUSA
10Dr. Saima NazVisiting FacultyFOSTHEC Overseas ScholarshipPhD2013University of Caen Basse-NormandieFrance
11Shahzad AkhtarAssociate ProfessorFHSSHEC Overseas ScholarshipMA & PhDMA 2011 & PhD 2016University of AucklandNew Zealand
12Muhammad Bilal KhanLecturerFOITSwinburne International ScholarshipMS Network Systems2018Swinburne University Of Tehcnology, Melbourne.Australia
13Dr. Tasneem AkhtarAssistant ProfessorFOMSHEC-DAAD Fellowship Program for OverseasPhD2011Humboldt University of BerlinGermany
14Arslan Tariq RanaAssistant ProfessorFHSSHEC Overseas ScholarshipPhD 2015University of OrleansFrance
15Dr. Waqar AhmadAssistant ProfessorFOMSChina Scholarship Council (CSC)PhD2021Kunming University of Science and TechnologyChina
16Dr. Salma BatoolAssistant ProfessorFOSTIRSIPPhD2019University of UtrechtNetherlands
17Dr. Sadaf HameedAssistant ProfessorFOSTCSC Scholarship & Benz Scholarship PhD2020Peking University, Beijing ChinaChina
18Dr. Samman IkramAssistant ProfessorFOSTIRSIP – HECPhD2021University of Oslo, NorwayNorway
19Dr. Muhammad Nadeem DogarAssistant ProfessorFOMSAustralian Development ScholarshipPhD2014University of MelbourneAustralia
 Australian Development ScholarshipMaster of Human Resources2006University of MelbourneAustralia
20Dr. Waheed Ahmad KhanAssociate Professor and HODFHSSPurdue Research Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (2005-2006)PhD2007Purdue University USA 
21Babar HussainAssistant ProfessorFOSTTUBITAK 2215 GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSPhD 2018 Sabanci University, IstanbulTurkey
22Dr Muhammad Athar SiddiquiDeanFOMSOverseas Research Scholarship Award Scheme (ORSAS UK)PhD2010University of StrathclydeUK
23Sheba Rose SultanLecturerFLL- ELCSTM ScholarshipMaster’s2012Malaysian Theological Seminary (STM)Malaysia
OCMS ScholarshipPhD Enroute 2028Middlesex University, LondonUK
24Muhammad Awais ShafiqueAssistant ProfessorFOEMEXT ScholarshipPhD2015University of TokyoJapan
 Severo Ochoa FellowshipPostDoc2023Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaSpain
25Malik Junaid AzizSr. LecturerFOIT & CSGraduate Studies ScholarshipMSc2012McMaster UniversityCanada
 Ontario Graduate ScholarshipMSc2012McMaster UniversityCanada
26Dr. Muhammad Akhyar FarrukhProfessorFOSTTWAS-CNPq Postdoctoral FellowshipPost Doctorate2007Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)Brazil
 TWAS-USM Postdoctoral FellowshipPost Doctorate2010Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)Malaysia
27Sadia ZiaSenior LecturerFOSTCulture Exchange Program-Embassy of ChinaTeacher’s Excellence Training Program2017Beijing International Studies University, central BeijingChina
Chinese Academy of Sciences-Foreign Faculty ScholarshipsPrincipal Investigators Training Program2024University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS), BeijingChina
Health Security Partners-USA Future Fellowship ProgramInternational Training on Advanced Cyber-Biosecurity & Biorisk Management Program2024University of Philippines, ManilaPhilippines
28Hamza AyubLecturerFMMC Stipendium HungaricumMasters in Film Studies2023Eotvos Lorand University BudapestHungary
Semester ExchangeBachelors in F&Tv2019University of Texas at AustinUSA
29Dr. Gulraiz AhmedAssociate ProfessorFOEEnvironmental Science and Research  (ESR) New Zealand ScholarshipPhD in Mechanical Engineering2014University of CanterburyNew Zealand
30Sarosh latifSenior LecturerFLLChevening ScholarshipMasters2018University of Strathclyde UK
31Adeel ArifAssistant ProfessorFOIT&CSCSC: Chinese Scholarship CouncilPhDIn progress. Scholarship duration Septermber 2017 – July 2021Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina
32Usman Ahmed RazaLecturerFOIT&CSItaly PNRR Ph.D 2026University of Naples, Federico II, italyItaly
33Dr Khalid AhmedAssociate ProfessorFLLChina Scholarship Council (CSC)PhD2016Central China Normal UniversityChina
34Dr. Fawad BaigDean & Associate ProfessorFMMCHEC Partial Support for PhD Studies Abroad [One Year] (2018)PhD2020Technical University of Dresden (TUDGermany
DAAD short-term scholarship [6 Months] (2017)PhD2020Technical University of Dresden (TUDGermany
Thesis Completion Grant from Technical University of Dresden [4 months] (2019)PhD2020Technical University of Dresden (TUDGermany
35Sarah JavedSenior LecturerFOIT&CSNRF-TWAS DOCTORALPhD2025University of Cape Town South Africa
36Ahsan HumayunLecturerFOIT&CSChinese Government ScholarshipPhD2025Dalian University of Technology China
37Dr. Khalid AhmedAssociate ProfessorFLLChina Scholarship Council (CSC)PhD2016Central China Normal UniversityChina

The selected applicants will be the ambassadors of UCP as well as Pakistan abroad. Therefore, the student must clear the interview and fulfil select criteria. In order for students to apply in exchange programs, the basic entry details are given below:

  1. Applicants must meet the basic entry requirements of the host university including those of language (IELTS/TOFEL/etc)
  2. The applicant must be able to meet visa requirements of the host institution.
  3. The applicant must be a regular student of UCP taking full course load.
  4. The minimum CGPA of the applicant should be 2.5 for UG and 3.0 for PG program.
  5. In case of UG programs, the applicant must have completed a minimum of 2 years (four semesters) at the time of departure abroad. For PG students, the applicant must have studied for one year (two semesters).
  6. The applicant must not have any disciplinary cases against them and should be void of any attitude problem.
  7. The applicant must sign an undertaking of guaranteeing return.

The selected applicants will be the ambassadors of UCP as well as Pakistan abroad. Therefore, the student must clear the interview and fulfil select criteria. In order for students to apply in exchange programs, the basic entry details are given below:

  1. Applicants must meet the basic entry requirements of the host university including those of language (IELTS/TOFEL/etc)
  2. The applicant must be able to meet visa requirements of the host institution.
  3. The applicant must be a regular student of UCP taking full course load.
  4. The minimum CGPA of the applicant should be 2.5 for UG and 3.0 for PG program.
  5. In case of UG programs, the applicant must have completed a minimum of 2 years (four semesters) at the time of departure abroad. For PG students, the applicant must have studied for one year (two semesters).
  6. The applicant must not have any disciplinary cases against them and should be void of any attitude problem.
  7. The applicant must sign an undertaking of guaranteeing return.

Student will need to submit following documentation at the time of application:

  1. Application form for Exchange Program (download link provided below)
  2. Copies of all Academic Transcripts
  3. Certificate of Language Proficiency (if required by the host university)
  4. Copies of identification documents (Passport or CNIC)
  5. A written bond with UCP to return to Pakistan to continue their remaining studies with UCP or to complete remaining degree requirements. (To be obtained from International Office)
  6. Pay Order amounting to Rs 50,000/- in favor of UCP. The same will be returned to the student upon return.